ÍKEA ferðir
Ferðastu í kringum heiminn fyrir kr. 1.990.
Í aðdraganda efnahagshrunsins árið 2008 var rýrnun krónunnar farin að hafa áhrif á neysluvenjur þjóðarinnar. Ferðaskrifstofan ÍKEA ferðir var sett á fót til að koma til móts við óslökkvandi ferðaþorsta Íslendinga; boðið var upp á heimsreisu, 100% hreina upplifun, án þess að fara út fyrir hússins dyr.
Í iðnaðarhúsnæði við Grandagarð innréttuðu 16 elskendur sína útgáfu af heiminum og buðu gestum með sér í ferðalag. ÍKEA ferðir var óhefðbundin leiksýning þar sem áhorfendur tóku virkan þátt í framgangi sýningarinnar. ÍKEA ferðir byggði á rannsókn 16 elskenda á samfélaginu í aðdraganda efnahagshruns, haustið 2008; á upplifunarorðræðu, krepputali, hnattvæðingu, steríótýpum og fordómum.
Ferðaskrifstofan ÍKEA ferðir var opnuð í september 2008 og var eitt fyrsta fyrirtækið sem fór á hausinn í hruninu.
Sextán elskendur opna nýtt útibú ÍKEA ferða í Færeyjum sem hluti af Norrænum sviðlistadögum 24.-28 maí 2016.
IKEA tours
Travel around the world for 1.999 ISK.
Ikea travels, an Icelandic company, with a new VAT number, is expanding again after the collapse and goes on viking to Faroe islands to open up a station there. They see business opportunities in Faroe islands isolation,it´s expensive for the inhabitants to travel. With Ikea travels around they can travel anyplace they like.
The offer is simple: a trip around the world, 100% pure experience, without ever leaving the building.
On the eve of the 2008 economic collapse, the ever shrinking krona (ISK) was starting to have an impact on the consumption habits of the population. IKEA Travels was a travel agency established to cater to the Icelander’s unquenchable thirst for travel. The offer was simple: a trip around the world, 100% pure experience, without ever leaving the building.
16 Lovers furnished an abandoned industrial building into their own version of the world, offering visitors a trip around the globe. IKEA Travels was unconventional theater wherein the audience took an active part in the progress of the exhibition. IKEA Travels was based on a social study made by the 16 Lovers on a society anticipating the economic collapse, in the fall of 2008. The study was based on the experience of discourse, talks about an economic depression, globalization, stereo types and prejudices.
IKEA Travels was opened in September 2008 and was one of the first company that went bankrupt in the economic collapse.
IKEA travels will be open for business again in Faroe Islands as part of the Nordic Performing Arts Days 2016, May 24th – 28th 2016.