Formaður húsfélagsins (skáldsaga, 2017)
Maður flytur í blokkaríbúð systur sinnar á meðan hann kemur undir sig fótunum. Þetta átti að vera tímabundin ráðstöfun, en fyrr en varir er húsfélagið lent á hans herðum.
Formaður húsfélagsins fjallar um samlíf ókunnugra, nauðsynlegt viðhald fasteigna og margslungið tilfinningalíf íbúa fjölbýlishúsa.
The Chairman of the Resident’s Association (a novel, 2017)
A man moves into his sister’s apartment in an apartment building while he tries to rebuild his life. It was supposed to be a temporary solution, but before he knows it, he’s carrying the Resident’s Association on his shoulders.
'The Chairman of the Resident’s Association' discusses the coexistence of strangers, necessary property maintenance, and the diverse emotional life of residents in tenement buildings.